Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

[S429.Ebook] Free PDF Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay

Free PDF Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay

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Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay

Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay

Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay

Free PDF Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay

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Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay


Marik Radkov believed the only thing left from his tortured past was the physical scars that adorned his body. But when he is stranded on a foreign planet, and held captive by an enticing blue eyed stranger, he is forced to face his past once more. To survive, he must subdue his lust, while keeping the mysterious and sexy woman from snaring his heart.


After escaping a violent assault of her home planet, Princess Nadua has been hiding on the cold planet Undewla for four hundred years, all but losing hope that her people will return for her. When the threat of a rebellion arises, Nadua must decide if she can trust the ruthless demon who strokes a desire she thought was long dead.


  • Sales Rank: #101141 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-10-19
  • Released on: 2011-10-19
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2) , A Review for Bodice Rippers, Femme Fatales and Fantasy
By Shauni
Demon Slave starts off from where we left Sebastian, Analia, Marik, Sonya and Ethan.. attempting to find one of Analia's missing sisters. Kiersten Fay does an excellent job of making this a stand alone book and yet still weaving so very much of story arc into the book. I was impressed with her ability to make a reader feel comfortable whether they had read Demon Possession or not... for what it's worth I would suggest that you read this series in order, I know there's a shocker, but so far both books stand alone beautifully!!

Stranded on the icy planet of Undewla, Marik is captured by the natives, A strange people who thrive in the winter wasteland, are actually burn when they touch a warm blooded being. The people fear the Demon race convinced they are a barbaric, evil race of beings set soley on destruction and conquest. Although captured he is determined to locate Analia's older sister and "free" her from this world. What he doesn't realize is she has no need to be freed and is in fact the acting queen.

Nadula has been placed in a position of power by the former King, until his daughter comes of age she is to lead her people.. As in all monarchies, dissension reigns in the ranks and there is a movement to over throw the "false" queen and place another on the throne. Among those in the rebellion are some of her most trusted guards..

It is actually quite a comedy of errors, the guards, barely restrain Marik, wanting him to escape and either kill Nadula or leave her where they can kill her and blame him. Nadula, is trying out her rusty seduction skills trying to find out why Marik is there and when the rest of the conquering hordes of barbarians will ascend upon them.. *grins* Ms Fey does a wonderful job sharing with us the difficulties involved in attempting to be sexy when one must remain covered in fur (and not some smooth glamorous fur but rather something akin to a grizzly/mastodon combination). And then there is Marik, determined to remain a captive and allow the army to take him to the rulers, hopefully to find Analia's missing sister..

Marik, who had been enslaved before Sebastian, Calic and Sonya found and freed him had a deep seeded fear of slavery. The very act of being bound brings forth an inner rage that looses a beserker type rage and yet he manages to hold back his rage in order to accomplish his quest. Learning the new language he realizes discovers the plot and kidnaps Nadula from beneath the very noses of guards and enemies alike. Together they traverse the country seeking the rendezvous point with Analia and Sebastien.. along the way they find that trust is an important commodity even among supposed enemies.. and they gather an assortment of allies.

Finding one's Mate is supposed to be a thing of joy and yet Marik fears his rages, knowing he will kill any female he is around when he is set off. His years of slavery having destroyed what little humanity he had or so he thought. And yet Nadula, soon learns that she is safest in his arms, that her visions of the future are incomplete and that her visions of his past can heal his wounded soul.

Together they find a way to save a dynasty.. back the throne and reunite with the crew of the Madaras.. It is fun to see Analia coming more and more into her powers and confidence.. the peeks we are given of her giving Sebastian what for are pure joy... Sonya and Ethan are back and we meet a new Demon, Rex.. Oh the stories I am sure Ms Fey has lined up for us.. I can already see them and can't wait to see how she weaves them.

Enjoy the Shadow Quest Series, savor it.. it is a delight to the senses....


3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Okay read. April in OR
By April in Oregon
Well, I was expecting another fantastic book by Kierstan Fay but I was a little dis-appointed. There wasn't enought of a connection for me between Marik and Nadua, it seems that I still don't know much about Marik except from what Nadua saw thru him, Marik was never much of the talker between the two of them. I did not like that she added quite a few pages about Sonya and Ethan too, don't get me wrong, I want a story about Sonya and Ethan but not in this book. I felt like KF needed pages to fill so she added a few scenes between Sonya and Ethan. This ebook was not as intense as the first one. I would have given it another 4 star but for the money that I spent on this ebook I felt a little short changed. Not enough of a story for me for the price. Please Kiersten F let your next book be BETTER!!!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
By kiiy70
I really loved this book. It was an excellent read.I was rooting for Marik to finally find love considering
the lost of not being able to save his sister. I was yearning for more also from Ethan and Sonya 's characters. This
series is truly amazing. I can't wait for the next book.

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Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay PDF

Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay PDF

Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay PDF
Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2), by Kiersten Fay PDF

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

[W506.Ebook] PDF Download Biblia Sacra Dali Illustre La Sainte Bib, by Salvador Dali

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Biblia Sacra Dali Illustre La Sainte Bib, by Salvador Dali

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Biblia Sacra Dali Illustre La Sainte Bib, by Salvador Dali

Until now, if you wanted a catalogue of all 105 lithographs from the Biblia Sacra, correctly numbered and titled, you would have had to spend hundreds of dollars and gotten small thumbnail images. Now, as part of an even,t "Dali at Coutral" (France), held in the fall of 2005, this book was published describing the work that went into producing the 1967 Edition of Dali's Biblia Sacra. The book is over 200 pages, contains text in French along with high quality color images of the 105 lithographs that were part of the original edition. The size of the images is 8 1/4 x 5 3/4"

  • Sales Rank: #3138701 in Books
  • Published on: 2005
  • Binding: Paperback

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Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

[L392.Ebook] Ebook Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown

Ebook Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown

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Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown

Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown

Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown

Ebook Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown

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Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown

This dictionary contains 10,000 Russian words in order of importance starting with the most common and finishing with words that occur about 8 times in a million. All the words have English translations, many have examples of usage and the entries include information on stress and grammatical irregularities. There is also a complete alphabetical index to the words in the list.
A learner who knows all or most of these 10,000 words can be regarded as competent in Russian for all normal purposes. The list takes you from a beginner's core vocabulary through to postgraduate level.

  • Sales Rank: #865494 in Books
  • Brand: Routledge
  • Model: FBA-|298146
  • Published on: 1996-08-14
  • Released on: 1996-06-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.68" h x 1.00" w x 6.85" l, 1.74 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 440 pages

..."this dictionary can function as a useful yardstick by which they can guage their development and 'fill in' gaps in their basic wordstock. It can be a particularly valuable resource for the language instructor faced with the daunting task of facilitating vocabulary aquisition."
-"Language, 1998

Language Notes
Text: English, Russian

From the Back Cover
This dictionary contains 10,000 Russian words in order of importance, starting with the most common and finishing with words that occur about eight times in a million. All items have English translations, many have examples of usage and many include information on stress and grammatical irregularities. There is also a complete alphabetical index to the words in the dictionary.

Most helpful customer reviews

30 of 30 people found the following review helpful.
Best book for increasing your vocabulary
By Justin Follower
I've bought a lot of books in trying to increase my vocabulary in Russian. This one, however, has been the most practical. It seems like every time I learned one of the most frequently used words, I'd begin to hear it almost immediately (we were living in Russia at the time).
Before this, I'd picked up a lot of words (thousands) that I simply never used. Wish I'd had this book about a year earlier.

28 of 29 people found the following review helpful.
Extremely Useful.
By Bighairydoofus
I recommend this book be used with the Russian vocabulary cards by Vis-ed. Since words are listed in order of frequency of usage, you can look up the first 100, dig out those words from the set of flash cards, then move on to the next 100, etc. After the first 1000 words, you'll need to write your own cards, but Vis-ed sells blank ones too.
A useful tool, but not the screaming bargain that the author's Russian course is, this is more for the serious student.

21 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
Such a neat idea
By A Customer
Whatever posessed Brown to embark on the mind-bending task of figuring out the 10,000 most frequently used Russian words is unclear, but I'm glad he did. This book is a great study aid, enabling one to prioritise word lists so that the most useful ones can be memorised first. Each entry comes with a small phrase to give the word context, and stress marks are given throughout.
The fun part is when you've absorbed, say, 10 words from the list and then listen to native Russian speakers. The new words pop up with surprising regularity and give a major boost to one's comprehension of what's being said.
It's an ideal accompaniment to any Russian course and could really help you pull ahead if you're studying in a classroom environment.

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Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown PDF

Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown PDF

Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown PDF
Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order, by Nicholas Brown PDF